News Oct 2021

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Welcome to Net Service news and infomation.

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In just over 30 years..we saw the first computers at home and the ability to communicate with those around us..The Internet was born..And boy oh boy has it grown up fast.

We at net Service felt it was time to begin spreading our knowledge, and after over 25 years in the internet space…we are qualified to share our experience and knowledge…

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You won’t be weighed down by an abundance of information. But point out hints and tips that help your business grow online.

So please let us know your feedback. Good and bad. Also, let us know what types of problems and challenges you are facing. We will do our best to answer and connect you with real answers to real life problems, without sales BS or misleading information.

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What is GMB??   

That’s a question I often get asked when we are talking to customers about there website design and strategy..

GMB is of course a acronym for

Google My Business ..

This is of course google free tool that can be used to promote your local or country wide business…. yet although this has been around for many years now.. its is poorly understood by many customers..


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Why you should Boost your “Google My Business” listing –

According to GMB Stats from BrightLocal (2021)

  • Reviews are read by 90% of consumers before they make a purchase.

  • GMB generates more then 100 calls per month from 16% of businesses.

  • GMB listings generate an average of 59 actions per month per business.

  • 84% of searches aim to find a new business to make a purchase from.

Adding a link to ‘Review Us’ on your website and in your email signature is very helpful.  Here is how to do it –

  1. and side that says ‘Get more reviews’
  2. Click on the button that says ‘Share review from’ and a link will be generated which should start with and then a few characters.

3  Include this link in your email and website! Ideally, your website should contain this link as a button that is visually appealing. If the layout allows, it should appear prominently on the homepage, contact us page, and possibly even in the footer.

When it comes to an eCommerce business or a service company, it needs to show up at the end of the customer journey (after the experience), so ideally on the ‘order confirmation’ page or equivalent to a “thank you” page once an enquiry form has been submitted.

Try to get a review at least every 3 weeks. They are flagged as *NEW* on GMB REVIEWS.    Review updates give your GMB listing more credibility and brand trust, and if a searcher sees that someone else used the business recently and had a positive experience to share about it, they are more likely to convert.

In GMB, all recent reviews are marked with a nifty ‘NEW’ sign, which is unfortunately taken away after three weeks.   Typically customers focus more on the most recent reviews.

Updated reviews enhance the credibility of a business (as long as they aren’t obviously fake) since they demonstrate that the company has been active lately, giving the impression that they are more successful and busier than their competitors.

It is especially relevant for businesses that are just starting out, and may only have 1 or 2 reviews on their GMB listing at the beginning of the review-collection process. The newer company will be favored if they are competing with a company that has the same number of reviews, but all their reviews are from the 1990’s.

In our next addition we are going to start publishing a range of unknown Hints and Tips on GMB to help you rank  (soon to be called GBP by Google) but start with the link sharing.. its still a major ranking factor for GMB.. but more to come.. 


NB: Your listing should include customers photos (and they should be moderated afterwards)

Don’t worry about photos or videos on your your listing slowing it down – because it runs on Google’s servers, your customers and your team can upload as much as you like! Customers trust visitors photos more than staff photos. There is no doubt about that. They love to see engagement from people who have used the product/service before and had a good experience.  The more often this happens with different reviews, the greater the social proof, which leads to higher conversion rates.

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Let face it.. there is hardly a person in the world that has not seen a Youtube video in some shape or form…yet.. just a few of the stats alone will blow you out the water..

YouTube is the world’s second-most visited website

It’s also the world’s second-most used social platform

People watch more than a billion hours of video on YouTube every day..

yet some of the most powerful uses of you tube is to rank your own website.. click below as each week we will cover off ways that youtube can help grow your business , even if you a not a fitness junkie…

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In the world of information overload, video is growing more and more popular.

It’s easy to digest and a smart way to engage your target audience. Some people believe video marketing is an expensive commitment even though YouTube is watched every day for almost a billion hours. Content marketing is becoming increasingly critical as the marketplace becomes more competitive.

You can market your product or service through video in a unique and immersive manner. Consumers appreciate the convenience, and marketers are presented with a versatile and shareable medium to reach their target audience.

Why Video Marketing Works

What makes video marketing so effective?

With videos, complex concepts can be taught in an easy way. Videos allow you to share your story, answer questions about your products, and provide useful information.

This is why video plays such a crucial role in a content marketing strategy. We all have busy schedules. Your lengthy blog posts are unlikely to be read. If you present all the necessary information in a short and engaging video, your audience will be better able to understand your message.

As videos are short, memorable, and measurable, video marketing becomes one of the most effective forms of content marketing, offering marketers plenty of advantages.

Benefits of Video Marketing

Take a look at some of the benefits of video marketing:

  1. Videos are More Engaging

When compared to text, our brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster. In addition, 90% of the information transmitted to our brain is visual.

Considering these facts, video is clearly an incredibly effective marketing tool. With videos, you can engage your audience within seconds, and you can post and share them across a variety of social media platforms.

  • Videos are loved by search engines

Video content is viewed as high-quality by search engines, especially Google. According to Forrester Research, websites that make effective use of video are 53 times more likely to rank on the first page of Google results.

In addition to your main web pages, you can use videos for different types of content. Your search engine optimization will benefit greatly from it.

  • Videos Inspire Urgency

With videos, you can evoke strong emotions in your audience. Videos make it easy to convince them to act immediately. Videos generate more leads than any other type of content.

With the right video, you can create a sense of urgency that prompts people to take action and purchase your products.

  • Conversions and sales are boosted

65 to 84% of buyers are more likely to make an online purchase after viewing a product demo video, according to a study. As a result, videos can increase sales significantly.

Explainer videos provide a real-time overview of a product. Videos can help you explain the benefits of your products and services. This will clarify all doubts and answer any questions your audience may have about your products or services.

  • Video has a great return on investment

A survey found that about 83% of businesses believe video provides a good return on investment (ROI).

Next Addition…How Thumbnails make all difference on Youtube

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 Watch This Space..


Starting next Month we are going to start a give away some true real world prizes and services that will give your business a real lift..

Its simply triggered by sharing a link in whatever social media ,app. email or media that you use..

The more your link is shared…the more great giveaways are on offer…

Coming soon

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Keywords How important are they today? 

Search engines are used by billions of people each day to find information on the internet. Search engine optimization (SEO) means optimizing your website so that it ranks higher in search engine results pages.

It is important to know the do’s and don’ts in order to rank your website high in search engine results pages. These are some of the best keywords for ranking websites, which will help you position your content well.

Keywords are the power words to rank your website in google. The higher the relevance of the keyword, the higher it will rank in google…. 

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_2″ _builder_version=”4.11.3″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_image src=”” title_text=”keywords” _builder_version=”4.11.3″ _module_preset=”default” min_height=”224px” custom_margin=”59px|-3px|-3px||false|false” custom_padding=”4px|12px|11px|0px|false|false” border_radii=”on|7px|7px|7px|7px” border_width_top=”4px” border_width_bottom=”4px” border_color_bottom=”#0C71C3″ global_colors_info=”{}”][/et_pb_image][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.11.3″ _module_preset=”default” min_height=”81px” custom_margin=”|auto|-17px|auto||” custom_padding=”1px|||||” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.11.3″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_toggle title=”Tips to keep your keywords up to date and ranking” open_toggle_text_color=”#FFFFFF” open_toggle_background_color=”RGBA(0,0,0,0)” closed_toggle_background_color=”#0C71C3″ _builder_version=”4.13.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_text_color=”#FFFFFF” title_font_size=”28px” text_orientation=”center” global_colors_info=”{}”]


An SEO Keyword is more commonly a phrase

Many people mistake a list of keywords for a collection of single words. If you are an Indian Restaurant in Auckland, then your keywords are not Indian, Restaurant and Auckland, but search terms with multiple words like “indian restaurant Auckland”, “curry Auckland” and ” the best naan bread in Auckland”.

  1. If you are writing a blog with curry recipes, “curry” is a good keyword, but more targeted keyword phrases like “chicken curry recipe”, “basic Indian curry recipe”, “chicken tikka masala” are likely to result in more – and better

  2. Local searches

When performing searches, Google has a good idea of the location of the person making the request, and for many types of requests factors location into the result.   For example, if you are in downtown Auckland an do a search for “indian restaurant”  the results shown (and related map) will show restaurants local to Downtown Auckland.  The same search made by someone in other parts of Auckland will get an entirely different result.- 

Indian restaurants near me is a popular search, but you don’t need to include “near me” in your web address. Location should be displayed instead. The ideal situation would be to use Schema on your site to indicate your physical address (we will cover that in the next newsletter).   Google guesses that you are searching for somewhere local to eat.  Thus a search term “Indian Restaurant Auckland” may be a better keyword then “Indian Restaurant”.

To emphasize how significant it is.

Below is a list of real actual searches in Google NZ that show Monthly searches for each term.

As can be seen, a lot of potential customers use very localized searches in their Google search. If this is not available on your site. You might not receive free traffic from the search engines.

Search Result Volume (NZ)
indian restaurants 33,100
indian restaurants near me 33,100
indian restaurant 33,100
indian restaurant auckland 1,900
best indian restaurant in auckland 1,300
best indian restaurant auckland 1,300
indian restaurant manukau 720
indian restaurant botany 590
indian restaurants nearby 480
indian restaurant nearby 480
best indian restaurants near me 480
indian restaurant sandringham 390
best indian restaurant near me 480
indian restaurant papatoetoe 390
indian restaurant pukekohe 390
indian restaurant ellerslie 390
indian restaurant albany 260
indian restaurant newmarket 260
indian restaurant takapuna 260

You can see from the above.. Loaclization is a major ranking factor when It comes to people that search..Start looking at your keywords in your websites and social media…this helps all search engines to pin point its search results for the best results  

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2 great giveaways this month..

for all Word press CMS customers..



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